Détails ressource biomédicale locale

Détails ressource biomédicale locale
Numéro 902
Pays du siège Jamaïque
Nom de la structure Scientific and medical supplies Ltd.
Personne à contacter
Ville Kingston
Adresse 175 Mountain View Ave, Kingston 6
Téléphone (876) 927-4666
EMail info@sms-jamaica.net
Fax (876) 946-3661
Site web http://www.sms-jamaica.net/index.html
Présentation Established in 1977, the Scientific & Medical Supplies Ltd is a large company with affiliates across the Caribbean. Since operating in Jamaica, we have supplied and serviced hospital equipment. We also supply medical supplies for laboratories and home care. We offer direct sale of supplies and equipment to over seventeen (17) English speaking Caribbean islands and is the largest supplier of its kind.
Pays d'intervention
  • Jamaïque
Type de prestations de service et techniques
Gamme de matériel médical Microbiology Supplies, Chemicals, Syringes and Needles, Blood Testing Reagents, Microscopes. Diagnostic Sets, Operating Instruments, Oxygen Cylinder Set Up, Suction Machines, Nipro Dialysis Supplies and Equipment. Cervical Collars, Hot/Cold Packs, Digital Blood Pressure Monitors, Adult Briefs, Band Aids, Cotton Wool, Blood Pressure Monitors, Examination Tables, Insulin Syringes, Nebulizers, Thermometers, Latex Gloves. Microscope Slides and Accessories, Molds, Stains, Paraffin and Embedding Supplies, BD Media and Paraplast.

© Graphisme: gloriamundi.ngo - Logo: Joana Ruiz - Développement: Benjamin Collery - Mentions légales